民营公司 50-150人 医疗设备/器械 医疗/护理/卫生
民营公司 50-150人 医疗设备/器械 医疗/护理/卫生
辛迪力医学科技有限公司|专注于医学高科技的研发和应用 汇聚国际数名医疗行业创新者、投资人,分享行业创新资讯,致力于成为国际医疗行业创新和合作资源的领跑者。 公司是一家集生物和化学试剂、耗材、仪器销售,医疗器械经营和开发,技术咨询服务,提供全方位临床研究服务,进出口贸易和境外医疗产品上市,新产品研发和上市,医疗产品生产于一体的公司。公司设在美国华盛顿和中国北京,秉承“以客户为中心、以产品为保障、以诚信为基础、以服务为宗旨”的发展理念,在不断的探索,前进。 公司的创始人有在美国生命科技领域辛勤奋斗的华裔科学家们,有在大陆生物制药和临床医学行业从业几十年经验的博士和专家们。公司坚持与国际接轨,注重与国际先进企业的合作与交流。 随着公司的一步步的壮大,每一个公司成员都将自己的特长得到最大程度的发挥。公司计划用自己的实验室和工厂,引进美国和欧洲在生物医药领域的先进理念和技术,为中国生物医药行业的发展贡献力量。并且伴随着中国GDP总量成为全球第一的这一历史时刻的到来,公司也为大陆的企业走向世界提供有力的支持。面对中国未来生物医药的发展,公司将继续为客户提供更加优秀的产品和更加专业的服务。 XDL Medical Technology Co., Ltd. is a company which engage biological reagents,consumptive materials, experiment equipment, medical equipment, technical advisory services, clinical research services,and import and export trade.Company is located in Washington DC and Beijing, Adhering to the development philosophy of "customer-centric, product protection,based on good faith, purpose of server",discovering and advancing. The founders are a returnees who has extensive technical experience in the life science field in U.S.,and a PhD who has extensive experience inclinical medicine industry,Companies adhere to international standards, focusing on cooperation and exchanges with advanced international companies . With the growth of the company, Each member of the company have Exerted the greatest degree of expertise.Company plans to introduce advanced biomedical concepts and technologies from the United States and Europe, provide customers with first class products and services. With the historic moment of Chinese total GDP, we will provide strong support for our customers exporting.